I have now uploaded a one stroke greek font, and a cyrillic font, to the
FTP site, along with glyph tables to allow people to figure out the
keyboard mapping.
I have no experience with asiatic languages, but the jpeg link atommann
provided looked interesting, describing a standard chinese CAD font.
I created a path for pictogram 01 shown, and exported as an eps, then ran
pstoedit, and then used pcbFontTool to generate a default 4000 mil
I have attached a quick example pcb file below, with the pictogram mapped
to the left quote (under the tilde, usually maps to a blank rectangle in
at 4000 mil default font height it isn't very legible at all, but if a
larger default font size were used in the final scaling then the pictogram
would be legible without zooming.
zooming in and out with S or shift+S will give you an idea.
I could slowly trudge my way through the jpeg atommann linked to and create
a gEDA PCB one stroke pictogram font, but gEDA PCB's text object will need
to be modified to accept a parameter indicating a particular font file and
an index of 00...94 in the case of the GB/T 13844-92 cad standard chinese
font pictograms.
If there is a way to make such pictograms usable by text objects (maybe its
easy with the PCB code, I don't know), and if a chinese reader can do QA on
my work output, I could convert them to a PCB compatible font.
#=============cut here ========
# release: pcb 20110918
# To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the git source date) must be >=
the file version
PCB["" 85000 85000]
Grid[1000.0 0 0 0]
Cursor[47000 43000 0.000000]
DRC[1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1000]
#Here's chinese pictogram 0,01 from the link atommann provided
#inkscape was used to produce a path over the pictogram
#the pictogram was exported as a 200 dpi eps
#pstoedit was run with
# ChinesePictograms.eps -psarg "-r1000x1000" -f pcb
#then pcbFontTool was used
# cat ChinesePictograms200dpi.pcb | pcbFontTool -s\` >
#and this was embedded in a PCB fill to try it out, and mapped to the left
single quote (on the same key as tilde ~)
#it is not especially legible at the smallest, default text size, but with
zooming it is quite legible.
#if gEDA PCB's text objects can be modified such that
# 1) any given text object can refer to a particular font file, and
# 2) a character code of two digits length, i.e. 01...99, and we can do the
chinese pictograms 13844-92 atommann refers to.
# and someone slowly works their way though the jpg atommann lnked too (I
could do this)
# and atommann or someone who can read chinese confirms that the symbols
are legible, then we are well on the way.
Symbol['`' 1200]
SymbolLine[2405 247 3655 247 800]
SymbolLine[3655 247 4045 128 800]
SymbolLine[3659 243 3662 3703 800]
SymbolLine[3662 3703 3637 3789 800]
SymbolLine[3637 3789 3610 3855 800]
SymbolLine[3610 3855 3581 3904 800]
SymbolLine[3581 3904 3550 3939 800]
SymbolLine[3550 3939 3517 3963 800]
SymbolLine[3517 3963 3484 3979 800]
SymbolLine[3484 3979 3451 3990 800]
SymbolLine[3451 3990 3417 4000 800]
SymbolLine[3417 4000 3321 3970 800]
SymbolLine[3321 3970 3249 3927 800]
SymbolLine[3249 3927 3202 3870 800]
SymbolLine[3202 3870 3182 3797 800]
SymbolLine[2990 1067 2990 2598 800]
SymbolLine[2997 2457 2420 2454 800]
SymbolLine[2413 1110 2603 1118 800]
SymbolLine[2603 1118 2779 1107 800]
SymbolLine[2779 1107 2938 1073 800]
SymbolLine[2938 1073 3080 1016 800]
SymbolLine[2416 1016 2413 2641 800]
SymbolLine[1354 153 1966 153 800]
SymbolLine[1560 1399 1569 1303 800]
SymbolLine[1569 1303 1578 1207 800]
SymbolLine[1578 1207 1598 1112 800]
SymbolLine[1598 1112 1639 1016 800]
SymbolLine[1639 1016 1715 863 800]
SymbolLine[1715 863 1795 696 800]
SymbolLine[1795 696 1840 602 800]
SymbolLine[1840 602 1874 523 800]
SymbolLine[1874 523 1900 454 800]
SymbolLine[1900 454 1920 393 800]
SymbolLine[1920 393 1934 335 800]
SymbolLine[1934 335 1946 278 800]
SymbolLine[1946 278 1955 217 800]
SymbolLine[1955 217 1965 150 800]
SymbolLine[1965 150 1993 107 800]
SymbolLine[1993 107 2030 76 800]
SymbolLine[2030 76 2074 56 800]
SymbolLine[2074 56 2127 48 800]
SymbolLine[1354 2648 1431 2650 800]
SymbolLine[1431 2650 1504 2673 800]
SymbolLine[1504 2673 1574 2709 800]
SymbolLine[1574 2709 1643 2750 800]
SymbolLine[1643 2750 1683 2773 800]
SymbolLine[1683 2773 1723 2790 800]
SymbolLine[1723 2790 1764 2801 800]
SymbolLine[1764 2801 1804 2806 800]
SymbolLine[1804 2806 1841 2803 800]
SymbolLine[1841 2803 1874 2792 800]
SymbolLine[1874 2792 1903 2772 800]
SymbolLine[1903 2772 1925 2743 800]
SymbolLine[1925 2743 1994 2514 800]
SymbolLine[1994 2514 2012 2286 800]
SymbolLine[2012 2286 1987 2061 800]
SymbolLine[1987 2061 1930 1841 800]
SymbolLine[1930 1841 1876 1738 800]
SymbolLine[1876 1738 1788 1626 800]
SymbolLine[1788 1626 1677 1508 800]
SymbolLine[1677 1508 1554 1387 800]
SymbolLine[1554 1387 1361 1385 800]
SymbolLine[1351 0 1354 4000 800]
SymbolLine[14 147 0 2836 800]
SymbolLine[0 2447 229 2447 800]
SymbolLine[229 2447 403 2446 800]
SymbolLine[403 2446 528 2444 800]
SymbolLine[528 2444 612 2442 800]
SymbolLine[612 2442 664 2440 800]
SymbolLine[664 2440 692 2439 800]
SymbolLine[692 2439 703 2437 800]
SymbolLine[703 2437 704 2437 800]
SymbolLine[0 353 755 343 800]
SymbolLine[797 2680 789 2610 800]
SymbolLine[789 2610 773 2554 800]
SymbolLine[773 2554 754 2510 800]
SymbolLine[754 2510 732 2476 800]
SymbolLine[732 2476 710 2453 800]
SymbolLine[710 2453 691 2437 800]
SymbolLine[691 2437 678 2429 800]
SymbolLine[678 2429 673 2427 800]
SymbolLine[673 2427 715 2336 800]
SymbolLine[715 2336 741 2249 800]
SymbolLine[741 2249 755 2160 800]
SymbolLine[755 2160 759 2066 800]
SymbolLine[759 2066 756 1964 800]
SymbolLine[756 1964 749 1849 800]
SymbolLine[749 1849 741 1719 800]
SymbolLine[741 1719 734 1569 800]
SymbolLine[734 1569 735 333 800]
SymbolLine[735 333 755 291 800]
SymbolLine[755 291 781 258 800]
SymbolLine[781 258 809 234 800]
SymbolLine[809 234 835 219 800]
Attribute("PCB::grid::unit" "mil")
Layer(1 "poly")
Text[26000 28000 0 770 "`" "clearline"]
Layer(2 "ground")
Layer(3 "signal2")
Layer(4 "signal3")
Layer(5 "power")
Layer(6 "bottom")
Layer(7 "outline")
Layer(8 "spare")
Layer(9 "signal9")
Layer(10 "silk")
#=============cut here ========
Post by Erich HeinzleHi,
Post by Erich HeinzleIf there are any users keen on having the Hershey cyrillic or greek
Post by Erich Heinzleconverted I can convert them too, or if users have a FOSS centerline
aka 1 stroke font they would like converted, I can give it a go.
This is great!
With this method I think it's possible to put Chinese characters on PCB.
There's a standard for Chinese characters for CAD stuff.
Standard Number: GB/T 13844-1992
Vector Danxian songti font set and data set of Chinese ideogram for
graphics information interchange
The characters looks like this -
It's a vector font. But as far as I know there's no open source
version of this font.
Best regards,