[geda-user] Nice new end-of-net markers
Kai-Martin Knaak
2014-09-03 22:41:57 UTC
I just discovered a small but significant change in the GUI of the current
git head version of gschem:

The end of named nets receive a marker that is decidedly different from
the red square at the end of an open net. See the attachment for a real
world example. The triangle achieves a nice improvement of usability. It
makes the nets that have not yet been dealt with stand out.

Thanks to whoever coded this feature!

Kai-Martin Knaak tel: +49-511-762-2895
UniversitÀt Hannover, Inst. fÌr Quantenoptik fax: +49-511-762-2211
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get
Stefan Salewski
2014-09-04 11:48:14 UTC
Post by Kai-Martin Knaak
The triangle achieves a nice improvement of usability.
Yes, looks nice, I will copy it :-)

This reminds me to the fact that I was never able to remember when I
have to use netname= or when net=.

I think one is for nets, and the other can exists in symbols. And other
people have mixed it too in the past, I can remember at least on post...

May it be possible to have only net attribute and some smart logic in
gnetlist to do the right think when it is attached to nets or to
DJ Delorie
2014-09-04 14:50:19 UTC
Post by Stefan Salewski
This reminds me to the fact that I was never able to remember when I
have to use netname= or when net=.
If you mentally substitute "name=" for "netname=" it's easier to
remember. "netname=" ("name=" ;) assigns a name to a net, and "net="
refers to a separate net.
Kai-Martin Knaak
2014-09-05 16:43:26 UTC
Post by Kai-Martin Knaak
I just discovered a small but significant change in the GUI of the
The end of named nets receive a marker that is decidedly different from
the red square at the end of an open net.
For some reason the feature went away. No more purple triangles, just the
well known red squares. I am not aware of making any config changes.

Kai-Martin Knaak tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik fax: +49-511-762-2211
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get
John Coppens
2014-09-11 14:49:54 UTC
On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:43:26 +0200
Post by Kai-Martin Knaak
For some reason the feature went away. No more purple triangles, just the
well known red squares. I am not aware of making any config changes.
Had the same a while ago. The triangles appeared a few times (wondered where
they came from, then disappeared again. No new compiles, downloads or anything.

Stefan Salewski
2014-09-11 16:42:54 UTC
Post by John Coppens
On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:43:26 +0200
Post by Kai-Martin Knaak
For some reason the feature went away. No more purple triangles, just the
well known red squares. I am not aware of making any config changes.
Had the same a while ago. The triangles appeared a few times (wondered where
they came from, then disappeared again. No new compiles, downloads or anything.
Have already added it to my Peted Ruby gschem clone -- only 10 lines of
code and 15 minutes of work. Currently I have used the net color for the
arrow, which may be too quiet? I do not really want to uses a new, mixed
color (violet) so I consider simple using the same color which other
unconnected nets and pins use, generally red. Of course it is easy to
change that later...
Vladimir Zhbanov
2014-09-11 20:05:47 UTC
Post by Kai-Martin Knaak
Post by Kai-Martin Knaak
I just discovered a small but significant change in the GUI of the
The end of named nets receive a marker that is decidedly different from
the red square at the end of an open net.
For some reason the feature went away. No more purple triangles, just the
well known red squares. I am not aware of making any config changes.
They must have been present in the stable version 1.8.2.
git log -1 5395655
for more info on why they were deleted in 1.9.
