Erich Heinzle
2014-09-05 12:34:49 UTC
After playing with paths over existing glyphs and deciding this was
impractical for generating a set of glyphs for geda PCB, I explored
available open unicode chinese fonts and discovered the Firefly ttf font
which includes embedded 12x12~16x16 bitmap fonts for rendering at smaller
sizes, and ttf at larger sizes.
The Taiwanese OSS writer, Firefly, completed and released this font set in
I have written a conversion utility that takes the 16x16 bitmap and turns
it into paths contained within a symbol for use on a PCB layout. This
theoretically makes some 16976 traditional and simplified chinese glyphs
available for use by PCB users, which seems like a good start.
I have attached an example of four unicode glyphs, first rendered as a dot
matrix "bitmap", and then rendered as strokes. The strokes are more
efficient in terms of symbol size, and scale much better i.e. with "s" or
I have mapped them to some latin letters to make viewing easier.
Those interested can compare the rendered glyphs to those on an online
glyph browser
So, two main options that come to mind are to either:
1) generate a set of 16976 glyphs for use by users and have them as
standalone symbol files in a directory, or
2) let PCB convert them on the fly from the "bdf" archive using the
conversion code
What is then needed for ease of use is a dialogue box or similar for a user
to insert a glyph, in a fashion not unlike inserting text, but letting the
user insert the unicode designation of the needed glyph, i.e. "68FB"
I now need to clean up and refine the automated conversion code.
impractical for generating a set of glyphs for geda PCB, I explored
available open unicode chinese fonts and discovered the Firefly ttf font
which includes embedded 12x12~16x16 bitmap fonts for rendering at smaller
sizes, and ttf at larger sizes.
The Taiwanese OSS writer, Firefly, completed and released this font set in
I have written a conversion utility that takes the 16x16 bitmap and turns
it into paths contained within a symbol for use on a PCB layout. This
theoretically makes some 16976 traditional and simplified chinese glyphs
available for use by PCB users, which seems like a good start.
I have attached an example of four unicode glyphs, first rendered as a dot
matrix "bitmap", and then rendered as strokes. The strokes are more
efficient in terms of symbol size, and scale much better i.e. with "s" or
I have mapped them to some latin letters to make viewing easier.
Those interested can compare the rendered glyphs to those on an online
glyph browser
So, two main options that come to mind are to either:
1) generate a set of 16976 glyphs for use by users and have them as
standalone symbol files in a directory, or
2) let PCB convert them on the fly from the "bdf" archive using the
conversion code
What is then needed for ease of use is a dialogue box or similar for a user
to insert a glyph, in a fashion not unlike inserting text, but letting the
user insert the unicode designation of the needed glyph, i.e. "68FB"
I now need to clean up and refine the automated conversion code.